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Botox® for Gummy Smiles: All You Need to Know

If you feel like you show a lot of gum when you smile — maybe more than you “should” — then you could suffer from “gummy smile.” It’s a harmless aesthetic condition most commonly caused by hypertrophy of the upper lip muscle(s), and it certainly doesn’t need to be treated if you’re fine with the appearance. But many patients aren’t.

And if you’re not, there’s good news. You can temporarily fix a gummy smile with Botox® treatment, a minimally invasive nonsurgical procedure that’s an alternative to riskier, more expensive treatment options like crown lengthening.

Botox for Gummy Smile: Does It Work?

Yes! According to a comprehensive medical literature review, botulinum toxin injection temporarily relaxes the muscles of the upper jaw, easing the lip down over the upper gum tissues.

The effects of Botox injections for gummy smile can last anywhere from 3 to 6 months, depending on the dosage and patient-specific factors. Over time, the medication wears off, and the gummy smile returns. But it can be banished again with a follow-up treatment.

Treating Gummy Smile With Botox

Like other Botox procedures, gummy smile treatments are outpatient experiences that have quick recovery times and minimal side effects (more on those below). But because the upper lip is one of the less common injection sites for botulinum toxin medications, it’s very important to work with an experienced medical professional who’s done the procedure many times before.

The procedure itself takes 15 to 30 minutes, including prep time. The provider usually injects small amounts of Botox or Dysport (no more than 4 units at a time) in locations spaced evenly across the upper lip. 

Care must be taken to avoid the “wrong” muscles, as hitting those could cause asymmetric, droopy, or “frozen” smile. Such unwanted aesthetic side effects are difficult to reverse. They may persist until the medication wears off, which takes months.

Risks of Getting Botox for Gummy Smile

As noted, there is a risk of adverse events and complications with any Botox procedure. Injections near the mouth can result in smile-related complications, but the chances are much lower with an experienced, properly trained injector.

Other potential risks of Botox for gummy smile include:

  • Redness and tenderness at the injection site
  • Temporary swelling and/or bruising
  • Minor bleeding at the injection site (usually within a few hours of treatment only)
  • Headache, sore throat, and other mild flulike symptoms

More serious complications are rare, but you should promptly seek medical attention if you experience muscle weakness anywhere other than the immediate injection area or if you suspect the injection site is infected. 

Likewise, follow your provider’s post-treatment instructions to reduce the risk of complications and maximize the medication’s effectiveness. Patients are advised to avoid strenuous physical activity for at least 24 hours after treatment, remain upright for at least 4 hours after treatment, and avoid massaging or rubbing the treated area during the first day or so. Otherwise, you can resume normal activity immediately unless told not to by your provider.