6 Benefits of Nutritional IV

By Dr. Stephen Cosentino
Patients and providers alike swear by nutritional IV therapy. But what exactly do we mean when we talk about it? Does this therapy work, really? What are its benefits, specifically? And is it really worth the possible side effects?
Let’s take a closer look.
What Is Nutritional IV Therapy?
Also known as IV vitamin therapy, nutrition IV therapy is really a collection of different treatments that deliver high dose nutrients — vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients — through an IV drip.
For certain substances, IV delivery is more effective than the oral pathway due to limits in the gastrointestinal tract’s ability to absorb nutrients. An IV drip is also faster than oral because it requires no intermediate metabolism; the nutrients enter the bloodstream and disperse quickly throughout the body.
Types of Nutritional IV Therapy
Common types of nutritional IV therapy include:
- Micro infusion fat burner drips
- MIC injections (methionine, inositol, and choline), which sometimes include Vitamin B12
- Myers cocktail, a popular mix of magnesium, calcium, vitamin C, and B-complex vitamins
- Folate and glutathione injections
Possible Side Effects and Contraindications
Like all medical procedures, IV nutrient therapy is associated with certain side effects and complications. These may include:
- Flushing of the skin, especially around the neck and upper chest
- Hot flashes and chills
- Excitability or nervousness
- Heart arrhythmias and blood pressure changes
Though generally mild and temporary, these side effects may preclude further treatment, so it’s important to stay in close touch with your provider and promptly report any new or worsening side effects.
Additionally, IV nutrient therapy is not recommended at all for people with certain medical conditions, including heart arrhythmias. For best results — and your own safety — always work with a board-certified provider who has completed an accredited IV nutritional therapy training course.
Benefits of Nutritional IV Therapy
According to patient and provider reports, the benefits of IV therapy may include the following. Bear in mind that individual patient results vary considerably and specific results may depend on the contents of the drip, among other factors.
1. Boosting the Immune System
High dose vitamin C is a common component of nutrient IV drips. It’s associated with improved immune function and faster recovery from relatively mild illnesses, such as the common cold and influenza.
2. Improving Energy Levels
Patients with chronic fatigue report increased energy levels from nutrient IVs containing Vitamin B12 and folate. Both are implicated in red blood cell production.
3. Improving and Regulating Mood
When the Myers cocktail was first developed in the late 1980s, one of the earliest patient-reported benefits was improved mood and better mood regulation overall.
4. Increasing the Metabolic Rate
MIC/B12 injections are associated with faster metabolism, a benefit for patients who’ve struggled to lose weight. However, the evidence for sustained weight loss with MIC/B12 treatments alone is mixed. This treatment is best combined with diet and exercise.
5. Reducing Recovery Time After Heavy Exercise
B-complex vitamins, particularly folate and B12, may help boost post-exercise recovery time by increasing red blood cell production.
6. Lowering Tissue Inflammation
The Myers cocktail and variations thereof may be associated with reduced tissue inflammation, which can have a variety of health benefits.