3 Tips for Adding a New Service to Your Medical Practice

A new service can help your medical practice increase its income despite increasing costs and decreasing reimbursements from insurance companies. You can make more money from existing patients and get more new patients. Here are some helpful tips for adding a new service to your medical practice.

Choose a New Service That Fits Your Practice 

Think carefully before you decide what service you should offer. A plastic surgeon's patients might be interested in cosmetic laser surgery, but a dentist's patients are usually more interested in orthodontics or teeth whitening. General practitioners can add lab services, weight loss or smoking cessation counseling, or simple cosmetic procedures like Botox. If you have to buy new medical equipment, your new service won't make a profit as quickly. However, you may make more money in the long term.

Get Proper Training

Training with Dr. Stephen Cosentino, DO and Empire Medical Training Many services require board certification, and you can't give patients quality treatment without the right training. Most medical schools offer additional education, or you can take a course online in your spare time. Training prevents unsatisfied patients, and it's less expensive than hiring someone to perform your new service.


Without skilled marketing, your patients won't know that you're offering a new service. Mention all your services in a prominent place on your website and add brochures to your waiting room. If you have a mailing list or send emails to patients, send all your current patients information about your new service. Even if a patient isn't interested, he or she could tell a friend or decide to make an appointment for another problem. A health marketing professional can help your practice attract more patients for better profits. Empire Medical Training is a continuing education company with over 20 years of experience. More than 30 topics in Aesthetics, Pain Management, Surgery, and Medicine are available, and we offer workshops in many cities or online training. Contact us to learn about a lucrative new service from an expert instructor.